Club-Skaap — Skaap Wines

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14 Kerkstraat
Bussum, NH, 1404 HH



Buy a Club Skaap Membership and receive discounts when you purchase 3 cases or more. Members also receive an invitation to the annual Club Skaap launch party in Bussum for you and up to two guests.


Club Skaap Memberships

We have a range of Club Skaap memberships that offer discounts when you buy 3 cases or more. 


The Sauvignon Blanc membership

18 bottles of Skaap Sauvignon Blanc

The Shiraz membership

18 bottles of Skaap Shiraz

The Full Skaap membership

6 bottles of Skaap Sauvignon Blanc

6 bottles of Skaap shiraz

6 bottles of Skaap Rose


from €179.00

Select your membership type